15 Funny Quotes to Start a Speech With a Bang

Are you struggling to find that perfect line to start your speech off right?

Whether you are delivering a speech for work, school, or a special occasion, opening with a funny quote can help you captivate your audience and get your point across.

So, if you’re looking for a little inspiration, here are 15 funny quotes to kick off your speech with a bang:

Quick Definition

There are countless funny quotes that can be used to begin a speech. Consider using an inspirational quote from a famous person, or one that is humorous and light-hearted that will draw in your audience.

Why Use a Funny Quote to Start a Speech?

When it comes to starting a speech, why not open with some laughter?

A funny quote can help grab the attention of an audience as well as ease any anxious energy in the room.

Not only is this approach amusing, but it also demonstrates confidence and puts your audience at ease.

Plus, you'll be setting a light-hearted tone for the remainder of your remarks, signaling to your audience that this won't just be a mundane affair.

However, it’s important to remember that opening with humor isn’t always suitable.

Some presentations may call for more sobriety and when in doubt, skip the joke and stick to something that will get people’s ears perked up without offending anybody in the process.

Depending on the dynamic of the group and the content you’re delivering, going too far could backfire and ruin your credibility before you even get into your key points.

So consider carefully whether opening with a funny quote is right for the occasion - and make sure it's genuinely witty or entertaining!

If used correctly, a humorous quote can spark interest from your audience and provide them with the incentive to stay focused until the end of your speech.

Now that we've discussed why using a funny quote to start a speech can be beneficial, let's delve into how to gain attention from the audience when utilizing this approach in our next section.

Main Points to Remember

Starting a speech with a funny quote can help grab the audience's attention and ease any anxious energy in the room. It also signals to your audience that it won't be a mundane affair.

However, this approach isn't always suitable and should be used cautiously. If done correctly, a humorous quote can spark interest in your audience and provide them with the incentive to stay focused until the end of your speech.

funny quotes to start a speech

Gaining Attention From the Audience

Getting attention from the audience is key when starting a presentation or speech. Depending on the size and type of audience, engaging the crowd and warming them up to what you have to say can be an effective way of ensuring they are interested and attentive.

Adding humor to your start can be one way to get the audience’s attention right away. This can range from a joke, a lighthearted anecdote, or even quoting someone in the room (with their permission).

By adding a little bit of levity, you can break up the formal atmosphere that may exist in your audience. On the other hand, breaking the ice may backfire if delivered incorrectly - it can be juvenile or off-putting in certain contexts.

Tying into something familiar or relevant in the room is another way to gain attention. This could be referring to a news story or current event that is related to your topic.

Finding something relatable for your audience will help create initial interest and give them a reason to listen. However, relying too heavily on this approach may lead to superficial interactions with topics that are not fully fleshed out.

The next step in discussing any type of speech is adding impact to ensure your remarks have staying power with your listener.

Adding Impact to the Speech

Beginning a speech with an attention-grabbing quote can set the tone for an enjoyable and engaging delivery.

Quotes that are humorous or that playfully challenge conventional wisdom can help stimulate interest and discussion amongst your audience.

Lighthearted jokes or anecdotes can pique curiosity and show off your wit, while thought-provoking philosophies can provide food for thought. The only catch: Make sure to use a quote that fits the subject matter of your speech!

Humorous quotes often make for some of the best kick-off points for a speech.

A funny joke or quip may lighten up the atmosphere and provide an infusing dose of energy to your audience. That said, it’s important to strike a balance; using humor to launch a serious presentation risks minimizing its importance or distracting from its main points—plus, it may detract from what you’re actually trying to say!

In most cases, it may be best to avoid humor altogether in order to ensure your message is seen as credible and valuable by the audience.

On the other hand, if you’re giving an upbeat talk on a positive topic such as creative problem-solving, making insightful observations through edgy commentary may go down well with listeners!

Humorous quotes carefully chosen to complement the topic of your speech can prove entertaining while also adding depth and visual impact. In any case, try not to throw too many jokes into one presentation—oversaturation is also not recommended when it comes working humour into a speech.

Moving on from discussing the impact of adding quotes to your speech, let us now look at different types of quotes which can be used to start a speech with a bang!

Types of Funny Quotes to Start a Speech

When crafting a discussion or speech, introducing the topic with a humorous quote can lighten up the atmosphere and set a positive tone.

But not all quotes are created equal, so depending on the situation it may be beneficial to choose an appropriate quote. There is an argument that using a quote from a famous person may have more impact to start off the discussion; however, there are also points to be made for using commonly known sayings or tongue-in-cheek quips.

Many people believe that a quote from a distinguished person—whether historical figures, politicians, scientists, and so forth—can immediately draw attention and establish credibility.

It adds weight to the speaker’s ideas if they can reference legends who have come before them. However, it can backfire if the audience cannot understand or relate to whom the speaker is quoting, as well as their context.

Moreover, some might find certain quotes from prominent people cringe-worthy or too outdated for contemporary use.

On the other hand, witty one-liners and popular phrases may prove to be more effective in connecting with an audience.

Since many of these jokes have been widely circulated over time, they are usually understood by all listeners. Certain regional or specialized acts require an audience familiar with particular terms; in this case you can use local sayings or inside jokes as long as you make sure it’s widely understood by everybody in the room.

Also, this type of humor is often seen as being more organic rather than forced because it sticks close to common knowledge.

Finally, catered humor can elevate your performance tenfold when you take into account your particular audience’s interests and preferences.

If you’re having trouble deciding whether to use a famous person's quote or commonplace joke, consider asking yourself which will make your specific crowd laugh the most? That could be the deciding factor before beginning your speech with a bang.

Turning now to quotes from famous people: successful speakers incorporate examples from historically esteemed individuals into their speeches to strike a chord with their crowd while also demonstrating intelligence and depth of knowledge.

Quotes From Famous People

Quotes from famous people can be a great way to start a speech. Not only are these quotes entertaining, but they can help create a bond between the speaker and the audience by referring to someone everyone knows and admires.

As a bonus, even raising the possibility of being taken seriously through association makes for an attention grabbing opening.

On the other hand, with this comes the danger of misquoting or taking a famous quote out of context. Even if meant innocently, this could easily cause offense and cast doubt on the credibility of what follows afterwards in the speech.

The use of quotes from famous people should then be treated with care and given due consideration before being used in a speech.

For inspiration, here are 15 funny quotes from famous people that can kickstart any speech with a bang:

Quotes From Historical Figures

Quotes from historical figures have a lot of potential when it comes to beginning a speech.

Such inspiring words can provide insight about particular topics and become sources of motivation for listeners. Historical quotes can be used to set a serious tone or include some humor in an otherwise dry topic. However, depending on the situation, it is important to consider both sides of the argument when selecting these kinds of quotes.

On the one hand, a quote from a historic leader can provide inspiration for the audience and bring attention to the importance of certain ideas.

Being a source of uplifting words, memorable lines taken from famous speeches can be especially effective in emotionally charged situations such as times of struggle or moments of hope. By quoting influential figures and making use of movements that changed lives, speakers can make their conversations meaningful and powerful.

On the other hand, while quotations from history offer many benefits, they might fail to promote laughter or lightness at the start of a presentation. This could lead to monotonous public speaking engagements that could put people off instead of captivating their attention.

Furthermore, in some cases, controversial statements made by certain figures could have negative implications in an audience. Therefore, choosing an appropriate quote should involve careful selection and consideration before broadcasting it to an audience.

In any case, having an impressive and catchy introduction with powerful words from inspiring leaders gives you an opportunity to capture your listeners’ imagination and successfully draw their attention towards your message.

Now that we discussed the pros and cons of using quotes from historical figures, let us turn our attention to finding relevant funny quotes which could be used to produce different results such as getting audiences laughing and energizing your speech right away.

Finding Relevant Funny Quotes

Finding relevant funny quotes to kick off a speech can be a great way to warm up the crowd and energize your audience.

When choosing a quote for this purpose, it's important to make sure that the content of the quote is both relatable and relevant to the message or topic of your speech. However, you want to ensure that it’s not something your audience has heard before or too risky that it could come across as offensive.

Another factor when selecting a quote is how well known the author of the quote is. For example, quoting Will Rogers or Mark Twain will generally be better received than someone who may not have widespread recognition.

Generally, if you select a lesser-known author you should include some background information about them so people understand the context of their humour.

Finally, another factor in finding good quotes for a speech is the relevance of the message within the quote itself. Selecting something broad can work but if possible it’s best to find something more tailored to your desired outcome.

Some good ways to research funny quotes are online collections from authors, comedians, or other sources that have come from people that specialize in creating humourous content.

Finding relevant funny quotes can be challenging but can also be an effective way to grab an audiences attention and set the tone for an entertaining speech.

Before deciding on one though, it’s important to consider all factors such as the author, relevancy and risk-level associated with the content of what’s being said. With these pointers in mind, you can begin your search to figure out which humorous quote will give your speech the excellent start it deserves!

With that process complete, now it’s time to move onto analyzing the situation and making sure each element lines up accordingly.

Analyzing the Situation

When choosing a funny quote to open a speech, it is important to carefully assess the situation.

Considering your audience and the occasion are two key elements to take into account for any successful speech. Joking around in a professional setting may be off-putting to some whereas in more light-hearted environments, it may go over well.

For example, while delivering a wedding toast at a lavish event it may be more appropriate to opt for a slapstick joke than if you’re talking at an academic conference.

To ensure that your chosen quote won’t offend anyone or derail the tone of the event, consider searching for a mild joke that may still make people laugh without being too out of place. Likewise, researching jokes relevant to the topics discussed will make sure that you earn more laughter and appreciation from your audience.

Overall, picking an appropriate funny quote is not always easy but analyzing the situation is an essential step for having a successful presentation. With thorough research and consideration of your audience and occasion, you can select a quote that will start your speech off with a bang.

Now that you’ve gained insight into how to analyze the situation when selecting funny quotes, let’s move on to some tips and tricks for using them effectively when delivering your speech.

Tips and Tricks While Using Funny Quotes

Using funny quotes to begin a speech can be an effective way to grab the audience's attention. However, there are certain tips and tricks speakers need to remember if they wish to make the best of their funny quote.

One of these tips is to choose the right quote. It’s important to pick one that is actually humorous and will be able to make your audience laugh or smile. Choose a quote that is relevant and contemporary – one that your audience will immediately relate and understand.

In addition, it's also important to know how far your funny quote should go. Don’t choose a quote that may be considered offensive to any particular group of people. Make sure you find one that is lighthearted instead of overly edgy or inappropriate.

When delivering your funny quote, don’t forget about using body language and facial expressions. A funny joke or punch line would sound flat without enough expression on the speaker’s face or in their delivery.

Try and exaggerate for comedic effect by varying the rate you say each word or maybe even add exaggerated hand gestures with each phrase for extra emphasis.

These tips and tricks for using funny quotes can help speakers start their speech with a bang and make sure their humor gets across effectively to their audience - but these are not all of the rules when it comes to using humor while speaking!

The next section of this article will discuss our conclusion and final thoughts on how best to use funny quotes in speeches.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

The conclusion of this article is that adding some humor to your speech can be a great way to engage and connect with your audience.

Using a few carefully chosen funny quotes can be the perfect way to open up a speech and get your audience's attention. Not only will it make them smile, it will also help break the ice, making it easier for you to warm up to speaking in front of an audience.

There are pros and cons when deciding whether or not you should use humor in your speech.

On one hand, jokes and humorous quotes can be effective at engaging the audience, getting everyone laughing which can help create a relaxed atmosphere.

However, one must exercise caution as jokes that involve stereotypes or offensive topics might have unintended consequences. If a joke falls flat or people find the punchline inappropriate, then more than likely your presentation will not go as planned. So before using humor in your speech, make sure that it's appropriate and won't be taken the wrong way by your audience.

Ultimately, if used correctly and tastefully, funny quotes can help increase engagement in any given speech.

Whether you're giving an inspirational talk or simply delivering facts to an audience, sprinkling in humor is always a nice touch that can be used to hit home a point or two while keeping the crowd entertained at the same time.

Here are 15 Funny Quote You Can Use to Start a Speech

  1. Whoever said nothing is impossible is a liar. I’ve been doing nothing for years.
  2. I really lack the words to compliment myself today.
  3. Don’t underestimate me, that’s my mother’s job.
  4. I am a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect.
  5. At the very start, let me say that we both have something in common. You don’t know what I’m going to say… and neither do I.
  6. You are not completely useless you can always serve as a bad example.
  7. It’s good to learn from other’s mistakes, I wish people learn something from me.
  8. The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.
  9. I’ve only been wrong once, and that’s when I thought I was wrong.
  10. Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.
  11. Sorry, I’m late. I got here as soon as I felt like it.
  12. You know God gave us brain to work out our problems. However we used it to create more!
  13. Sometimes the best helping hand you can give is a good, firm push.
  14. Whatever you do always give 100 %. Unless you are donating blood.
  15. Don’t be afraid to talk to yourself. It’s the only way you can be sure somebody’s listening.


How do I determine which funny quotes to use in my speech?

When determining which funny quotes to use in your speech, it is important to consider the audience. Ask yourself if the quote is appropriate for the particular environment and crowd.

Additionally, you should consider the topics of your speech and choose quotes that are relevant to them. Furthermore, when selecting quotes make sure that they are short, concise and witty. You want the audience to get the joke so having simple delivery with a punchline helps with this.

Lastly, remember to have fun with it! Your sense of humor will help you pick out the best funny quote for your speech.

What are the best ways to structure a speech using funny quotes?

The best way to structure a speech using funny quotes is by mixing a few humorous statements in throughout the entirety of your presentation.

Begin with a funny opener quote to get everyone laughing, but don’t rely solely on jokes to carry your speech. Instead, use humor to set the tone and provide an entertaining break between informative points throughout your presentation.

It’s important not to overuse humor as too many jokes within a speech can take away from the main point of your presentation and also start to feel stale after a while.

Additionally, it’s good to check quotes you plan on using for accuracy and make sure that they fit the context of your message. If done well, humorous quotes can be great tools for engaging an audience in a stimulating way.

How can I use funny quotes to grab the attention of the audience?

Using funny quotes to grab the audience’s attention is a great way to start off your speech. Not only will it break the ice and get everyone laughing, it can also serve to introduce an important topic that you plan to discuss in your speech.

If the quote is clever and relevant to your subject matter, it can open up a meaningful dialogue about the main points of your speech and show your audience that you understand their perspective.

To be effective, it’s important to pick out one or two funny quotes from your chosen source and use them strategically throughout the course of your speech. Avoid quoting too many jokes as this can lose its impact quickly.

Also make sure that any humorous words or phrases you use accurately reflect the tone and mood of the event so you don’t come across as overly jokey or inappropriate. 

Finally, it’s good practice to acknowledge the original author or source of any funny quotes you use; this adds gravitas and ensures that proper credits are given where due.